About Saint Dakota
The Saint Dakota brand was born out of the desire of a few, proud lifelong South Dakotans to celebrate the amazing South Dakota outdoors lifestyle.
What's the significance behind the name? Nothing! There's no significance to or special hidden meaning behind the name, other than it's just a cool name. It kind of sounds like "South Dakota" but it's not.
Does the name have religious connotations or something? No, sheesh, get over it with the name. "South": 5 letters, one syllable, starts with an "S". "Saint": 5 letters, one syllable, starts with an "S". See the similarity? Also, we think the name exudes a faint whiff of the magnitude of the South Dakota outdoors experience and the general reverence most South Dakotans bestow upon and feel about their special outdoors places. Plus, we think the halo is just a pretty sweet design element. That's it. (But, if you're super religious or something, then we really picked the name especially for you.)
Whether water-skiing at Angostura, or fat biking the groomed trails at Tinton, or mountain biking the snaking jungle trails in Newton Hills, or pheasant hunting in some corn field near Gettysburg, or canoeing down the Missouri from Fort Randall to Springfield, or stalking an elk near O'Neil Pass, or stand-up paddle-boarding on Lake Poinsett, or kite surfing on Bear Butte Lake, or ice fishing on Marindahl Lake, Saint Dakota is meant to celebrate the diversity of South Dakota's outdoor recreational opportunities for all the people who enjoy them.
Here at Saint Dakota, we are design-centered and focus on both quality of design and quality of garment to champion and portray a real, fun, laid-back, non-pretentious South Dakota outdoors lifestyle. We hope that Saint Dakota Clothing and its loyal customers will act as ambassadors of the South Dakota outdoors lifestyle to promote South Dakota's amazing natural resources, to celebrate outdoor activity, and to advocate for conservation of these amazing places.
To that end, Saint Dakota Clothing will partner with local non-profit conservation and advocacy organizations to promote, protect, and preserve the places we love to recreate.